Tsunami Awareness & Preparedness

This morning Washington State was put on Tsunami watch after a 7.9 earthquake was monitored just off the Alaskan coast. You can view more about the warning here. While tsunamis are not likely to reach further inland, many of us enjoy heading to the beaches in the summertime for vacations and therefore knowing what to do during an earthquake and tsunami along the coastlines is a good idea.
Here are some downloadable facts about Tsunamis: http://nws.weather.gov/nthmp/tsunamisafety.html
Pacific Coast Emergency Management periodically has ‘road-shows’ to educate residents for two hours on the risks are and how to better prepare for them.
You can learn more about earthquakes and tsunamis from your local emergency management agencies, but we also recommend you look at the agencies in areas you plan to vacation or visit as well.
NOAA Education Resource Links – Great for Schools and Tsunami Preparedness Week!
This information is being provided for reference and resources only. Petrichor Training Solutions does not endorse or receive endorsements from any external agencies for sharing this information. Better Aware. Better Prepared.